Thursday, 31 January 2013

To blog or not to blog

That is the question... the answer to which I have pondered or more aptly procrastinated over for quite some time.

The debate to start blogging has not been about using the technology; I am a great elearning fan and usually an early adapter of technology , no... this is about the audience.  Do I really have anything of use to share?  Who am I intending my audience to be?  Will I start and write one or two posts never to continue?

Those questions are really nothing more than procrastination.  I read lots of blogs and take great interest in reading what other educators, parents and children are thinking about education, ICT and the world in general.  I am a believer that education should be shared and ideas celebrated.  For a job where we are constantly surrounded by people, we are often quite isolated and 'bubble' like. 
So  as you can see the decision has been made and I am now officially a blogger. 
My purpose ... to celebrate my learning