Sunday, 29 September 2013

Does blogging make me connected?

I have been reading blogs with interest for a while now.  Some I agree with, some I disagree but surely that is the aim to get us thinking, challenging and relating ideas to our own personal experiences.  One thing that strikes me about the blogs I read is the level of information I get out of them and the way they are so well scripted. In agreeing with and following the belief that for a LCN to be effective a participant needs to be openly connecting with others I decided that this year I would blog.  A few blogs in and I stopped. Why?  
On one level I felt that what I had to say really wasn't that important and that my level of writing was not at a level that would inspire others to follow and comment on my ramblings.  If I write and no one reads then what was the purpose?    
Some will say that blogging is about personal reflection and that is an essential part of being a connected educator - I agree to a certain extent however as blogging is a public forum I am conscious of just what message and information I am sharing.  My own personal reflections are more honest as they are just for me. 
I have read and enjoyed reading blogs from teachers showcasing their classroom environments, success with student learning etc and yet why do I feel that if I were to write like this I am showing off, trying to prove my knowledge and one up man ship. 
So 6 months later I have not blogged, yet happily read others and their take on the world. 

Another query is around being connected... Does blogging make me a connected educator? How many views and comments need to appear before I am satisfied that my blog has connected at some level with others? I have friends that tweet, blog, Skype etc and friends that don't - who are the better educators? Is there even a difference? I think that as long as you are making connections with others outside of the your own four walls the tools used are immaterial. It is about whether those conversations have any impact on your teaching and learning beliefs. 

So I am still in two minds about blogging. Perhaps I need to really give it a go, share the successes we have and the where to from here.  If I am able to connect with one person that will be a start.

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